When a site is redesigned most often the page URLs change on the new site. Search engines store old page URLs until the site is completely re-indexed. 301 redirects are used to redirect old page URLs to corresponding new URLs....
A/B testing (also known as split testing) is the process of comparing two versions of a web page, email, or other marketing asset and measuring the difference in performance. You do this giving one version to one group and the...
This refers to the Americans with Disabilities Act. Section 508 of this act covers electronic communications, specifically that web pages need to be understandable to people who are hearing, visually or otherwise impaired. For example, images on a web page...
This refers to the set of browsers that the site needs to work properly on. It includes browsers e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer as well as operating systems and screen resolutions. As of 2014, there are close to 300 devices...
Intentional parameters surrounding what a user can do on a site, ensuring a low likelihood of errors and confusion. Constraints are used to optimize the smaller set of actions a user can perform.
Action items for this phase include setting up the web server, installing the CMS, coding the design ‘theme’, mobile development, developing all features, content integration, SEO infrastructure set up, internal testing and quality assurance. The milestone for this phase is...
At the end of the Development Phase, the QA person will review the site. They will use a link checker as well as look at each page to determine if the design has been accurately implemented and there are no...
After an Alpha site is released, there are typically revisions. This is due to the fact that until an actual website is released it’s hard to know fully how it will look and work. The different types of revisions include...
This stands for the World Wide Web Consortium which is the international governing body for the web. Tim Berners-Lee, the director of the W3C, is also one of the original inventors of the World Wide Web. W3C’s primary activity is...